Case study applications: Adults learn most effectively when ‘doing’ rather than simply studying theory so impactful programmes are based around practical case study applications using actual companies and situations using the most recent available data.
Instructor Led Training: In-person at a client's venue or if we can't meet in person and learning is taking place online, a virtual instructor led environment, with break out rooms, quizzes and group tasks, which creates an engaged learning experience.
Self-study using E-Learning: Many learning programmes combine instructor-led training with dedicated e-learning modules.
Post-Programme knowledge checks and support: Learning only becomes embedded by day-to-day practice. Knowledge checks by organising end-of-programme panel sessions or knowledge and application tests can ensure participants are prepared for real transactions.
Oxenden Consulting Ltd specialises in the design and delivery of tailored learning programmes in credit, risk and corporate finance to clients in the financial services industry. It was founded by Monique van Zon, a consultant, facilitator and trainer with over 35 years’ experience in corporate finance as well as the financial training sector. Oxenden Consulting's clients include international and national financial institutions as well as large training organisations delivering learning solutions to the financial sector.
I am Monica van Zon (most people call me Monique) and I am the director and principal consultant of Oxenden Consulting. I started my career with a major Dutch bank ABN AMRO in 1984 and worked in corporate banking and corporate and leveraged finance in Amsterdam, Paris, Tokyo and London before moving into financial training in 1998. Within the training company of the Fitch Group I headed up the credit, risk and corporate finance team for most of my time there. I designed and delivered training programmes for international investment, corporate and development banks as well as credit insurance and risk rating agencies in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas. I have been based in the UK since 1995.
Over the years I have covered many topics for all types and size of audience, but I here I list a few as illustration:
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